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Scenarios, TDG & WHMIS, Assessment & Delegations



This chapter covers generic and specific components to spill safety, review WHMIS, due diligence, risk assessment and basic training.

This next video will show you exactly what’s contained in our Basic Spill Kit and the uses of each item, along with a live demonstration of how to use Gap Seal on a leaking pail:

If you didn’t purchase your BASIC SPILL KIT yet, you can do so now – just click here.

Chapter 2 – Common Scenarios

There are 3 types of emergencies  that may happen in the workplace:





storms, etc.



bomb threat

coworker fight


illness, etc.


chemical spill

mechanical failure

fire, etc.



Today we will be focusing on the last type of emergency, technological emergencies: specifically on chemical spills.

There are both generic and specific components to spill safety.

Generic Components to Spill Safety:

  • Reduce risks
  • Improve the company’s capabilities and resources
  • Optimize finances associated to emergencies

All workers get basic training so they can assist in identifying potential hazards and improve on preventative procedures.

Spills of Known Substances

Employers provide information: Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

  • The SDS will inform workers about:
    • hazard potential
    • personal protective equipment required (PPE)
  • Employees trained in Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and should be consulted prior to interpreting an SDS

Spills of Unknown Substances

Employers may provide classifier kits so that employees can quickly and easily identify substances that are unknown in a workplace. The area should be sectioned off so that other employees don’t slip and fall onto the spill area.

Hot Zone

The hot zone comprises the area barricaded to restrict access and prevent further contamination.

Warm Zone

The warm zone comprises the area designated to assist in reducing contamination.

Cold Zone

The cold zone is the safe area where instructions and commands are made.

Specific Components to Spill Safety

In this section you have your company’s site-specific safety scenarios. We will briefly discuss the potential hazards that occur in your workplace.

Specific components to spill safety include:

  • Specific chemicals that are found and used on a regular or intermittent basis (i.e. oil, glycol, acids, and oxidizers).
  • Situations that are now being handled internally.
  • Procedures for certain situations to reduce external resources.


This section is a basic review of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG).


Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

There are pictograms of hazardous materials.

Important information can be found on the SDS or the WHMIS label of a substance.

  • Risks
  • Precautionary Measures
  • First Aid Measures
  • Supplier Information and Contact Number

Important terms to understand:

Risk Phrases
Phrases that explain the nature of the hazard and risks involved in misusing the product beyond the risks conveyed by the symbols.

Product Identifier
Identification of the material by chemical name, common name, generic name, trade name, brand name, code name, or code number.

Hazard Symbol(s)
Symbols that correspond to the classes and, where applicable, divisions under which the controlled product falls; the symbols immediately alert label readers to the product hazards.

Reference to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
A statement to the effect that an SDS is available, reminding label readers that there is a more comprehensive source of information.

Supplier Identifier
Name of the supplier of the controlled product.

First Aid Measures
Phrases explaining the measure to be taken in case of an acute exposure.

Precautionary Measures
The essential measures to be taken when using, handling or working in the presence of a controlled product.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

The classes and divisions under TDG are:

1         Explosives
2.1     Flammable Gases
2.2     Non-Flammable, Non-Toxic Gases
2.3     Toxic Gases
        Flammable Liquids
4.1     Flammable Solids
4.2     Spontaneously Combustible Materials
4.3     Dangerous When Wet Materials
5         Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides
6.1     Toxic Substance
6.2     Infectious Substance
7         Radioactive Materials
8        Corrosive Substances
9        Miscellaneous


Initial Assessment And Delegations

The first step in spill response is spill prevention.

  • Emergencies are best managed when prepared for.
  • It is important to have communication and cooperation between employers and employees to identify and mitigate spills.

Different Types of Plans

There are many types of emergencies that a company can plan and prepare for. Different types of plans, procedures, equipment and requirements can be found in:

  • Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
  • Fire codes
  • Building codes and
  • Environmental legislation.

Basic Training

Basic training is for everyonemanagers, supervisors, employees, and contractors. It should address potential situations/scenarios, and essential equipment and procedures (i.e. extinguishers, alarms, muster points, or spill kits).

This course focuses on spill emergencies, awareness of facility, expertise contacts, and procedures with equipment.

Specialized Roles

Skills and advanced training are determined by managers, supervisors, practice exercises and external consultants. Specialized roles include first aid, firefighting, rescue and environmental emergency. It is important to have a scope of procedures including reporting and decision making authority.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS) recommends six key steps to emergency planning:

  1. Establish a team
  2. Assess the risks and capabilities
  3. Develop a plan
  4. Implement a plan
  5. Test a plan
  6. Improve the plan

Due Diligence

Delegation of safety personnel is a company’s first line of defense in due diligence.

A contingency plan can be created to protect workers and facilitate a company’s ability to get back to regular business.

Risk Assessment, Responders & Supplies

If a company has controlled substances and handle dangerous goods, employees need to be trained with WHMIS and TDG.

Basic awareness of these substances and how to manage a response is the objective of this course.

Further training is required for personnel that are on the emergency contact list and are specialized for certain spills. These may include External Consultants, Incident Commanders, Team Leads, Managers, Supervisors and Media Relations Officers.

Training Exercises

Training exercises test response competence and are usually done in cooperatives or in-house sessions.

Companies can improve resources by writing an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and developing their command structure.

The team should distribute, practice and test the plan to both continually improve it and minimize losses.